Listen Man

Listen Man

I had a good day today.
No one annoyed me.
…Busy as fuck right enough
But the bonny wee trainee solicitor I was liaising with made it alright, man.

And listen, man, I went for lunch, met someone I know from the office…had a wee blether wandering down Bothwell Street in crisp sun December just after rain and wet tarmac reflections of all of the above. December sun, man. It’ll get you every time.

And listen, man, I bumped into my lovely wee pal Lindsey up that manky Sauchiehall Street while on my wander. She hasn’t finished her dissertation yet and I’m sad happy that I never went to Uni.

And listen, man, the auld boy I work with “made good pasta last night”, but that’s the third shite he’s had today.

And listen, man, the auld boy gave me regular updates throughout the day, “fuck sake, son, that’s number 5…bit heavy that wan…”. Regular. The fucking shitting forecast.

And listen, man… it’s Friday and yer no deid yet.

Listen Man

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